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    • #26458

        What do you notice about the way Jacob is being supported in the classroom by:

        • The SLSO
        • The teacher
        • His peers
        • Parental involvement being mentioned by the Principal and Learning Support Teacher?

        Please add your thoughts to the Forum below.

      • #27262

          I noticed that the learning support teacher is not only assisting Jacob by seated next to him during his class, but also supporting the teacher by checking on other students with their work. Hence, Jacob is not very dependent on the learning support teacher in his learning. The teacher sees the benefit of having Jacob in the class in terms of enriching her skills on how to modify her teaching to include students with different abilities. Finally, the school is having regular meetings with Jacob’s parent to give them updates on Jacob’s learning outcomes.

        • #27269
          Emily Roe

            the SLSO is supporting Jacob by explaining the task to him, letting him do it then after the agreed upon time letting him use his skills using the ipad, he leaves him so he can learn on his own.

            the teacher has regular meetings with the SLSO to make sure she is able to modify the learning to jacobs needs

            his peers seemed to have normal interaction with him and also had the benefit of the SLSO helping them too, showing that jacob isnt getting anything “extra”

            the parents and teachers/principal regularly meet

          • #27271
              • The slso gives individual instruction to Jacob. he also gives him ipad time so he can do things on his own which encourages independence. The SLSO is also supporting the teacher by assisting the other kids as well. This also shows that the SLSO is not just there for Jacob, but to help support the whole class.
              • The teacher prompts Jacob and gives individual instruction.
              • The parents meet with the school staff and learning support each term to work on how Jacob can achieve his goals.
              • Jacob seems to have normal interactions with his peers.
            • #27280
              Jacqueline C

                Great observations and reflections on how the SLSO and teacher were used very well in Jacob’s class.

                Yes the meetings and collaboration between the class teacher and Jacob’s parents were paramount in the success of Inclusion for Jacob in the classroom.

                The use of peers in supporting Jacob were also one very important element in Jacob’s ongoing educational high school Inclusive educational journey.


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