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    • #26009

        Preparing for transition to school

        Many ‘transition’ activities can be simple, informal things like coming to the school after hours to wander about & ‘get a feel’ for where everything is, visiting for lunch with kids that came to high school from the same primary school; the potential usefulness of composite 5/6 groupings the year before transition to create a ‘pool’ of yr 7s that know your son/daughter in yr 6 & will be in yr 8 when they arrive in yr 7.

        • What ideas and tips can you share with the group to best prepare transition to school?
        • Remember ‘transition’ includes starting school for the first time, starting a new school year, or moving to a new school such as a high school
        • Please upload any pictures or provide links to videos of your transition ideas to share with the group.
      • #27253

          Find other parents of children who are going to the same school in the local area via facebook groups to help with the transition period by organising park dates.

          Have your child pick out kids who will be going to the same school from previous school photos so they can recognise them easily.


          • #27277
            Jacqueline C

              Love these ideas Debbie

          • #27266

              My child would benefit from pictures, setting expectations, what the school would be like, what the routine would be like, lots of preparation and a trip to the school as well. I had also requested for my child to visit the particular school and join the classroom for a day, for the benefit of both of us, the school and my child. So far I have had a good response

              • #27278
                Jacqueline C

                  That is great to hear Nina,  alot of schools are getting much better at this transition period.  Also some schools already provide visual social stories for all children with images of the school, classroom and teacher.  Make sure to ask them do they provide this, if not, can they make one for your son, or assist you in making one for him to look through during the Christmas break.  If you do get lucky and get access to a image of his class teacher – we used to put that on the fridge and point to it often – this definitely lessened my son’s anxiety for the beginning of the school year.   But if not, just images of the school, classroom etc are also very good.  A photo of the Principal can also be used as a friendly face.

              • #27289

                  I like the tips of:

                  • Take photos and share photo stories with my child before going to the school
                  • Take my child to wander around the school out of school hours
                  • Attend all events open to the public and get to know more the school
                  • Arrange playdates with children who are going to the same school next year if possible
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